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Reading Order

Lately people have asked me what is the best order to read The McAlister Line, so I reply in the order I wrote them. Of course the next question is what is that. McAlister's Way, Hoard, Siege and Allegiance are the four core titles covering Danny and Angela's adventures in the 1950s and should be read in that order although each novel is complete in itself. McAlister's Spark is a futuristic sequel featuring Zach McAlister. Next is McAlister's Trail, which I hope will appeal to readers who may never have read a western before. I wrote McAlister and the Great War during the WWI 100 year anniversary and I think it's my most ambitious work starring Danny's Great Uncle Callan and his sweetheart Ivy Brown. McAlister's Lady is historically the first book, but it's best to leave until last. I'm working on McAlister the Peacemaker now also with Callan and Ivy as the main characters, which hopefully will be finished this year. Cheers for now and Happy New Year.

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